Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

March 10, 2008

Feet First!

Ok, so I want to just say to anyone who may come across this that I'm new to the whole blogging thing. I know, it sound cliche, in the way that people always say I've never written/said/done anything like this before, but it's the truth. So I'm just going to jump on in with both feet. Which, as you get to know me, you will find is a good thing for me because at least when it comes to literal water I am much more of a stick a toe in first and see if it's not too cold to stick a foot in and then a leg and so on and so forth. So here we go...

One of the things you won't find here (which means you probably will now because I just jinxed myself-never say never, or imply it) is a lot of acronyms. Yes, I'm trying to conceive (ttc) but no I don't have the memory or the desire to carry a reference dictionary of pregnancy initials. So I'm sorry but you are just going to have to read the entire word... with all of it's letters. I know it's incredibly tasking but hang in there with me. It works for some people and more power to them but it doesn't at least for me. Ok, so there will be none of that and if there is it will be kept to a minimum.

Next thing is that I'm writing for you and for me because I want to share the journey. We will go through some ups and some downs. In fact, the road might get quite bumpy along the way but we'll ride it out together... and if your not riding it out with me then feel assured that I will be riding it out none-the-less. With that in mind though I feel compelled to say that what I don't need is for anyone to gripe me out whenever you don't agree with something in here. Different Strokes for Different Folks. I promise not to do anything that will intentionally harm myself or others and you promise to keep your yapper shut if you don't like what I'm saying. That is not to say, though, that I don't want to hear your comments and unique perspective- that I love. So don't hold back, but I ask you kindly "please don't be rude." I'm sure that's totally unnecessary because you would never do anything like that but still it doesn't hurt to ask.

So in this space, my new bloggy home (which was probably pretty un-blogger like of me to write), we'll chat about life, music (of course), our attempt to bring a new life into this world (despite what Dr. W thinks is a mild case of PCOS) and whatever else comes our direction...

Nice to meet you, by the way. You are always welcome... except if you want to be nasty or use acronyms I can't remember (but on that one, if it's important to you I'll try). Catch you later!


Mazzy said...

Nice to meet you!!! =)

Morgan said...

It's great to have another friend here in cyber space. I look forward to catching up with your blog! Thanks so much for your post on my blog. Welcome!