Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

March 10, 2008

Apparently I'm Glowing... but I'm sure it's just sweat.

So here's the deal on the pregnancy front. Well, I suppose there is no pregnancy front right now; just the hope of it. My most wonderful doctor, Dr. W, suspects PCOS as a the reason for my wildly irregular, how shall we say... surfing the crimson wave (do you recognize that movie reference? Give up? It's from Clueless).

I had all the tests and that includes the painful ones. I'll spare you the details but I was sufficiently poked and prodded. The best I can tell right now is that I don't have a "classic" case of PCOS but there's something going on like that. So yeah, that's comforting. We don't know what it really is but it seems something like this other thing that is apparently one of the most ambiguous of fertility issues. It can really look different for everyone. Like I said, not a classic case. I fortunately don't have to deal with some of the more severe/serious symptoms of it. I basically just don't ovulate very often. I know that is a lot of information but there you have it. Glad that's out of the way. The prescription we are trying right now is the lowest dose of Metformin for one month. I go back to the Dr. W on April 1st to evaluate things. We'll see what going on then. It's still a few weeks away. So far I haven't had any severe side effects from the medicine. Just a decreased appetite from it regulating my insulin and some nausea every now and then. But I'm thinking that it is probably because I'm on such a low dose. I'm wondering how it will be if I start taking more but only time will tell.

On another note we had our weekly program for the middle school kids. It was a really low key night. We did something different and just had some pizzas, hung out, played outside and talked about going to camp this summer (so much fun!!!). Anyway, I was hanging out with one of my leaders. She's just fantastic! We were walking in from being outside and she said, "You look really tan." Which could not be further from the truth. My family jokes that I'm so pale that I'm translucent. So I was pleased to know that I didn't look like Casper the Friendly Ghost. The she said, "I don't know, maybe it's not tan but you look like you're glowing or something." I thought that would be really sweet if I was pregnant but since I'm not it's more likely that my glow is really sweat. But I'll take it... she was saying I looked good which, of course is better than looking like crap- which was kind of what I was feeling like (more emotionally than physically).

What that makes me look forward to is when people might say that because there's a bun warming in the oven and I'm glowing for real.

Hope you lovely people have a wonderful night!

1 comment:

alicia said...

Hey! We have doctors appointments on the same day! Heres to April 1st getting us knocked up! I am really enjoying your blog! Keep up the great work!