Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

April 24, 2008

I Did Not Retreat.

Nope, no retreat for me. Which considering my bad attitude about it the other day you might think was a good thing. Ya, except for the fact that the reason I didn't go is because I was so very sick. I woke up on Wednesday at 4:30am and became intimate with the porcelain throne. It was stomach cramps and intense nausea. the cramps subsided but the nausea progressed throughout the day. I felt like I was sea sick. So needless to say I did not make the 2 hour trip to go on the retreat. In fact I slept most of the day. I started to feel better in the late afternoon and evening. I slept pretty well last night but woke up this morning feeling queasy. I tried to go back to sleep and when I woke up it wasn't as intense. It has been with me off and on today but it's been tolerable. Anyway that's been my last two days. Hope you have been well!


Mazzy said...

Bummer, girl!!
Hope you get to feeling better ASAP. ;)

alicia said...

shot! I hope you get better soon! I am expereinceing the same thing right now, but due to some bad food! Hang in there!