Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

December 24, 2009

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

I was just watching White Christmas, one of my all time favorite Christmas movies, while actually experiencing a white Christmas Eve. So it's a blizzard here. Literally. We have a blizzard warning. I don't think I've ever experienced that in all my 29 years and if I have I was too young to remember. So this delicious, white wonderland outside is pretty remarkable because we hardly get much snow here. Let a lone on Christmas. Maybe if we're lucky a few flakes swirl in the air sometime during the winter months. But they usually don't stick much or for very long. Ice and sleet and freezing rain happen more frequently and wreak havoc on the city. Not so today. It is really coming down out there.

"Snowin' and blowin and bushels of fun... now the jingle rock has begun."

The family is here now. There is something nice about being warm and cozy with your family for Christmas. I suppose that is only true though if you get along with your family. Luckily we do! So we're hunkering down and staying warm. Watching the snow pile up outside. We have GREAT windows everywhere in our new house to gaze at the scenery. I plan on watching my favorite Christmas movies (like ELF, Christmas Vacation and the Red Rider BB Gun movie- even though I don't really care for it- it depresses me, but the fam likes it so...), the weather (because I like to watch weather-I'm kinda a fanatic) and I'm sure for The Hubbs and his Dad there will be football and basketball on at various points throughout the day.

This is so much fun with Baby! He's already opened like 4 presents. The Grandparents just can't wait! Baby is seeing his first snow and first blizzard as well as his first White Christmas. What a First Christmas to have with him. As I'm typing this he's snuggled up beside me napping. LOVE IT!

My Christmas Baby

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