Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

December 17, 2008

Alive and Kicking!

So I'm still pregnant. We are now 24 and a half weeks in on this journey. And we are both doing well- Alive and Kicking (LITERALLY)! It certainly has been interesting. I'm doing really well. Feeling pretty good. So thankful to not be sick anymore. That part was brutal. But I suppose 6 weeks for feeling utterly awful is a small price to pay for our precious little boy.

He is moving around so much these days. It's crazy. Definitely, in my opinion, the BEST part of pregnancy. I love it!

We got more photos from the ultrasound than I thought we would. Here is a slightly fuzzy picture of our boy. I have to say- he's already pretty adorable!

1 comment:

alicia said...

ahhhhhh!!! I am soooo glad you posted! I was wondering what happened to you!!!

A boy! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! we are soooo close in pregnancy timelines! when is your due date?

I am so glad things are going well for you! now we need to see some belly pics!

thanks for the update