Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

May 8, 2008

So here's what's going on.

I got the blood work back from Dr. W on Monday afternoon. It said that the HCG test came back negative (which we thought was a high possibility since it was still early) but they said my Progesterone came back high. So they said because of that they wanted me to come back in and test on Friday because there was a good chance I was pregnant. Soo with that I went through Monday and Tuesday fine. Then yesterday I felt really nauseous all and then in late afternoon I started spotting which over the evening progressed to a light bleed. Sort of like at the beginning of a period. Light cramps and gasey cramps but they don't feel like normal mentraul cramps. It's like not in the same area or the same intensity.

So I'm not sure what is going on. I called Dr. W and nurse T said that Dr. W wasn't in for the day and that she would call her and ask her what she thought and she would call me first thing in the morning. Nurse T said again that the test was negative but that there could be a lot of "normal" reasons for the bleeding and to take it easy for the rest of the day. I was already doing that.

I did that but it was so hard not to be anxious, and frankly confused. I mean, honestly, I could accept it was a period but all the stuff that has been going on in my body this month. I don't think it is the Metformin. I've been tolerating that really well. And I absolutely did not feel like this last month (March, before I got my period)... and we were trying then so I know I'm not imagining these changes in my body...some things are visible like the breast changes.

I've read online (however credible it is) women talking about how bleeding is common in early pregnancy, how some people think they have had their period but then found out that they were pregnant, or others who pass some clots and go on to have healthy babies, others who have unexplained bleeding... and yes there are the stories about miscarriages.

It's just really weird too because everything has been speculation so far and nothing confirmed. I'm hoping they let me come in for lab work today, since I was scheduled to go in on Friday they might as well let me come in. I don't know. I'm frustrated and confused. We'll see.

What I'm praying for is a definitive answer as to what is going on- period, bleeding w/an early pregnancy... or something else.

Please pray for my sanity and attitude.


alicia said...

Good luck at the doctors. I really hope they can give you an answer one way or the other. I am hoping that you are indeed preggers! just take things easy and rest!

Mazzy said...

That's a lot to think about!
Progesterone should be good and high the second half of any cycle if you ovulated, so that probably means you def ovulated.
I cannot wait to hear the update, hope all is well and sending prayers your way.