We've been doing what we can to get that bun in the oven but nothing yet. After having a 45 day cycle last month and feeling lousy about that I had an appointment with Dr. W at the beginning of the month and we strategized. She upped my metformin, which has made me feel pretty yuck. So I guess that's been going on too. Now I'm up to 1500. I also bought one of those new month long ovulation kits to give it a chance. For real this time the sticks went off on the 16th & 17th of this month after having progressively darkened for a few days before. So I was feeling pretty confident with it's accuracy. Then on Monday the 21st I got my progesterone checked. They Dr.'s office called yesterday and today and both the nurse and then Dr. W said that I definitely did ovulate this month and that my levels were again really high and strong.
Of course I'm not getting my hopes up but they said that they were strong enough that there is at least a chance that I could have something cookin'. It's still too soon to tell but I like knowing that for the first time we actually knew when I was ovulating and got to it at the right time. So I count it as a positive either way!
On an unrelated note we leave to go to Camp with 20 middle school kids and 4 leaders (and myself too) on Saturday night. We'll be riding in a 35 passenger bus overnight. It will be a 14 hour drive to get there but it is soooooo worth it. This camp is A-Maz-ING! But ya those of you who do could certainly pray for me- and Hubby too because he's going because he's a leader. I'll have some fun pictures to show when we get back. So I'll be gone and I'm looking forward to it. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is feeling gross because of the Met. I just hate road trips because I always feel trapped and icky but what can you do. It's my job and it's pretty great. Just send a prayer for me that I get through both bus rides without incident!
Thanks friends!!! Hope you are all doing great... because I think you are all pretty great yourselves!