Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

March 15, 2008

I just want your extra time and your... Kiss.

So, first of all, let me say thank you for the comments and the insight on how your medications effect you.  I appreciate it.  If nothing else it is just nice to know I'm not alone.  So keep it up.  I know it's not always easy.  Especially for my friends on the Clomid but I'm hoping and praying you get knocked up soon so you can stop taking it!!!  I wish that for all of my friends out there who are trying to bring a new life into this world.    

Soooo... I've been absent for a few days.  I wish I had a good excuse but really I've just not been feeling very well.  I don't know if it's the Met or if it's my body, maybe I'm getting ready to ovulate or have a period (fingers crossed) but I've felt junky!  Headaches and the stomach aches haven't been much better.  I've been trying to do a better job of watching what I eat; thinking that maybe I'm having too many carbs for my body on the Met.  It seems to have helped a little.  I also have to be careful and make sure that I eat smaller meals more often.  You know that totally stuffed feeling you get sometimes after a great or not so great meal?  Well I don't get to that point often but lately even "normal" amounts of food makes me feel that way, which leads to some tummy trouble and a general feeling of grossness.  Anyway, I've been doing a little better yesterday and today.  But my skin has decided to revolt against me and is waging war on face.  Totally broke out these last few days...maybe something is going on in those ovaries? One can only hope.

Speaking of yesterday, I did the weirdest thing last night.  I was an Assistant Wedding Photographer.  Ya, I know me!  Someone's perfect memories were resting in my hands.  That's a TON of pressure.  I'm no professional but I do love photography. My best friend is sort of a jack (or jill) of all trades.  Seriously, there really isn't anything this chick can't do...I love her but sometimes her greatness is annoying.  =)  We really do complement each other and she is the best.  Enough of the love-fest though; on with the story. She was basically asked to be the wedding coordinator/planner for a woman who works with her mother.  On top of her other two jobs (overacheiver) and additional activities such as sewing, cooking, photography, decorating, graphic design and taking care of two adorable dogs (one of which was formerly mine- another story for another time) she decided to plan and personally do everything from designing the invitations, making the coolest photo shadowboxes (complete with burning candles reflecting their images) and the flower arrangements... Oh yeah and she was doing all the wedding photography including their engagement photos.  See why her awesomeness can be nauseating sometimes.  At least she's really humble and appreciative of others so you don't want to punch her perfectness in the face. 

As I'm sure you are gathering, she asked me to be her sidekick photographer to make sure we were covered with all the shots.  She said she would take most of the formal photos and that I would be there to focus on the fun, candid, artsy and detail photos (my speciality, if I were to have one...I find beauty in the minutia if you couldn't tell from how much detail I put into my posts).  It sounded like a cool experience that I wasn't sure I would ever have again- not many people put such an important task in the hands of someone as inexperienced as the two of us- at very least me because Bestie (as she will henceforth be referred to) does have some experience.  Ha, Bestie said that when she told the bride that she was going to have an additional photographer coming to shoot the wedding that she conveniently didn't mention it was my first wedding.

I was super excited but as the wedding approached I became more and more nervous.  Luckily, I felt pretty confident in my abilities and Bestie fully backed me.  I did some research to make sure I was up on what was "now" in wedding photography.  It wasn't so long ago that I got married so everything I was drawn to when I planned my pics then is still pretty fresh.  I just wanted to do a great job.  I kept telling Husband to pray for me to have a creative eye and to get great shots.  While I played professional photographer the Hubby did manly-men things with the "guys."  They apparently "shot-the-breeze" and watched basketball while taking turns playing guitar hero.  Other than waiting up for me to get home way after his bedtime it was a pretty great night for him

I'm happy to report that I did a phenomenal job...umm I mean We did!  It was really fun! Totally exhausting but a great experience.  Everyone was super nice and the couple was thrilled. Before and during the ceremony there was a lot of Kenny G playing... I kept thinking, "is this another song or is it one long song or is the same song on repeat?"  Good ole Kenny G.  He's so soothing.  I had to focus so that I wouldn't be lulled to sleep and neglect my photog duties.  Oh and I did end up taking quite a few of the formal shots.  I did the groom and groomsmen and family.  That probably stressed me out the most.  That and when Bestie said, "WHATEVER you do you HAVE TO GET THE KISS.  YOU HAVE TO!  So make sure your telephoto lens is switched by the time the unity candle is lit.  I NEED YOU TO GET THAT KISS!'"  Whoa, Intense much!  I did get the kiss *she said with a smirk*.  I even think she got the kiss too but by gosh I was gonna get that kiss come hell or high water.  We got some great shots, though.  I was pleased.  Bestie was pleased so at least I didn't let her down.  She has all the photos so she can work on uploading and editing them but when I get some back I might put up a few.

I even got to 'shake my money-maker' on the dance floor toward the end of the night.  If it hadn't been a family friend of Bestie's we wouldn't have done it but they pulled us to the dance floor and who am I to deny the happy couple?!  So that was my completely random Friday night.  Tonight was much more low key.  We stayed home and my parents brought over some fantastic pizza from this little place by their house.  They stayed for a while.  We chatted, ate and played a little wii.  It was lovely!

We're going on vacation on Tuesday!!!  Yippeee!!!  We will be traveling and staying with our friends who have a family house in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  I can't wait.  Five days with Husband all to myself... no work, no ministry, no responsibilities, maybe a little baby making (or at least more practice)...  LOVE IT!  3 Days and counting!

Question: Do any of you have any Spring Break travel plans?  Are you getting out of town or staying home and hanging out?  Are you excited about Spring?  Why or why not?

Until Later...


Mazzy said...

The wedding photo gig sounds like a blast!! What a fun night, glad you enjoyed it.
I love Santa Fe, hope you guys have an amazing trip!
No spring break for us this year (we can't justify the cost for a trip due to one very expensive infertility struggle) but I am definitely looking forward to spring!!

alicia said...

I have broken out all over too! I think its cause I am finally ovulating! The joys hey? That is so awesome you got to photograph the wedding! I am a wedding planner on the side, and it is so scary/stressful when the day approaches! Good for you for doing it! Have fun on your vacation and make sure to come back all knocked up! No plans for spring break, gotta work! Boo, my hubby is gone though! He went to spokane and seatle with his buddy, no fair!