Because Everything In Life Has A Soundtrack...

March 29, 2008

Lady in Red

Ok people you ready for a little overshare? Well, you're about to get it. I actually started my period yesterday (hence the Lady in Red song reference). I know, can you believe it? I can't! All my wicked rambling about not getting it, doubting that the medicine was working and being cynical in general were for nothing. Because the medicine is working! Hoooray! I'm not just taking Metformin in vain. For this moment I could not be more pleased. I feel like it puts us one step closer to creating a baby. And that, you all know, is the name of the game right now. It's the first time I've been encouraged in a long time about our prospect of conceiving. I know that we still have long long road ahead but as I said for today I'm content. Content, while still hoping to get knocked up in the near future

Now yesterday is a whole other story... I admit that I was kind of a nightmare. Sorry, Hubby (not that he's reading this). Not having periods because of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (or at least some form of it) has a way of dimming my memory or what PMS feels like. I don't know about you other friends who have the PCOS but while I wasn't having periods I would still experience some of the symptoms at least once a month. In my case, I sort of always felt like I was premenstrual; whether that was because my body sort of was in that state, my hormones were wacked out on their own or they were wacked out because of some sort of insulin level problems. I constantly felt slightly bloated and usually sort of crampy at some point during each week. Usually once a month, though, I felt extra fragile emotionally, sort of crampy (with no sign of the Crimson Tide), and sometimes a headache. But when dealing with the real deal I am full on IRRITABLE and sensitive/emotional. I haven't cried very much if you don't count last night.

And that's saying a lot because Hubby and I had to go to a funeral today. Hubby's Grandpa's twin brother died on Thursday unexpected... which meant an unexpected change to our weekend. I didn't know the man but Hubby did and he wanted to support his family and pay his respects. All in all it was a nice service but there were some odd bits to it. There was one song that I don't know who picked out but I felt like it was so awkward. It was about taking a train to Heaven, which sounds nice, but it was about the Devil chasing him down and stuff. It just seemed odd. This was a man (Grandpa's twin) who loved the Lord and you wouldn't associate him running from the devil because of a "sorted past." I still want to know who picked that song out to memorialize him.

So that was my days... Thank you for all your well wishes! I appreciate all of them. I am starting to feel much better although I'm still struggling with a cough. I'm totally looking forward to going to bed tonight. After not having left my house since Monday and pretty much being in bed all week doing so much today was overwhelming. Not to mention that the whole week it was GORGEOUS weather- in the 70's & 80's and then today when I have to get out in it the temp dropped 30 degrees and was rainy. Now that doesn't help a sickie like me get better does it Universe?! No! But tonight I am counting my blessings for my incredible husband, wonderful family and sweet friends... and all the other great things that make up my life.

Hope you remember those things that you are grateful for tonight too... no matter what is going on or where we are in life there is always something to be thankful for. (Ok I'm done with my Oprah moment... I know... it's the unusual hormones!) ☺


March 26, 2008

Jagged Little Pill

If there was any kind of pill, jagged or otherwise that would help me feel better I would take it. So as I'm sure you guessed I'm sick and it completely sucks! I just can't shake it. I've been sick since Santa Fe. Really since the day before Santa Fe. I feel like my brain might explode- which is not a good thing yet there really isn't anything a Dr could give me to make it worth dragging myself out into the world. Ugggh, I hate it! And yes I know that I'm complaining and I'm sorry but that is all I have the energy for. On top of feeling like crap still no signs of the AFF. I keep feeling like I'm having cramps but then nothing to back it up. It's totally uncool to have cramps with no pay off. Whatever Body! I'm done with you revolting against me.

On a different note it is beautiful weather here. It's already 80 degrees. Do I get to enjoy it though, no, because I'm either sleeping or blowing my nose, but I digress. Spring is in the air and it makes me look forward to summer. I love swimming. Love swimming- hate the whole having to wear a bathing suit part though. It is a trial we women must endure- feeling comfortable wearing practically nothing in front of practically everyone we know (or at least it feels that way). But I shall not let it keep me indoors. And I have a standing commitment with myself not to be too hard on myself, to not obsess about my imperfections and to not let it affect my confidence... life's too short and I'm (we all are) lucky to be living, to have bodies that work and to be able to enjoy life here and now! So I will wear a cute swimsuit, suck in my tummy (if and when necessary), hold my head up high and be thankful for all my blessings. Oh and I'm searching for a really cute cover-up to lounge around in!

Ok, enough of the randomness of this post. Maybe it's the medicine or my pounding head but I'm aware that this has been a mish-mash of thoughts and the like! Hope you are having a beautiful day because each of you are beautiful. Just wanted you to know that in case you haven't heard that today!

Later Lovelies!

Question: Are any of you watching the American Idol?
Bonus Question: Any favorites or thoughts on who you think is going to take the top honor?

March 23, 2008

Santa Fe Vacation!!

An amazing house on the mountain opposite of where we were staying. Look at the snowy mountain too!!

A beautiful Church off the plaza.

View from the back terrace last night!

The Gorge!

Just wanted to let you know that I am home now. It was a great vacation. Very relaxing!! Santa Fe was gorgeous. The weather was perfect! It didn't even get cloudy until last night. This morning as we left the storms were rolling in. It snowed on us a little on the way back but it was all over by the time we made it to the Texas panhandle all signs of frozen precipitation was gone. I loved getting to hang out with Hubs all week. We had a blast with our friends too! We ate great food, slept in, played cards, toured around Taos, splashed in some Hot Springs, visited the Rio Grande Gorge and had massages. It was lovely! Above are a few pictures from the trip.

Nothing new on the AFF (yes, that would be an acronym... Aunt Flow Front- you knew I couldn't hold out for long). I keep waiting, wondering if the monthly visitor is going to come. Foolishly it sometimes crosses my mind that if it doesn't come then maybe I'm knocked up... but I know that isn't the case; at least not yet.

I'm holding on to my serenity right now.
Peace be with you.

March 15, 2008

I just want your extra time and your... Kiss.

So, first of all, let me say thank you for the comments and the insight on how your medications effect you.  I appreciate it.  If nothing else it is just nice to know I'm not alone.  So keep it up.  I know it's not always easy.  Especially for my friends on the Clomid but I'm hoping and praying you get knocked up soon so you can stop taking it!!!  I wish that for all of my friends out there who are trying to bring a new life into this world.    

Soooo... I've been absent for a few days.  I wish I had a good excuse but really I've just not been feeling very well.  I don't know if it's the Met or if it's my body, maybe I'm getting ready to ovulate or have a period (fingers crossed) but I've felt junky!  Headaches and the stomach aches haven't been much better.  I've been trying to do a better job of watching what I eat; thinking that maybe I'm having too many carbs for my body on the Met.  It seems to have helped a little.  I also have to be careful and make sure that I eat smaller meals more often.  You know that totally stuffed feeling you get sometimes after a great or not so great meal?  Well I don't get to that point often but lately even "normal" amounts of food makes me feel that way, which leads to some tummy trouble and a general feeling of grossness.  Anyway, I've been doing a little better yesterday and today.  But my skin has decided to revolt against me and is waging war on face.  Totally broke out these last few days...maybe something is going on in those ovaries? One can only hope.

Speaking of yesterday, I did the weirdest thing last night.  I was an Assistant Wedding Photographer.  Ya, I know me!  Someone's perfect memories were resting in my hands.  That's a TON of pressure.  I'm no professional but I do love photography. My best friend is sort of a jack (or jill) of all trades.  Seriously, there really isn't anything this chick can't do...I love her but sometimes her greatness is annoying.  =)  We really do complement each other and she is the best.  Enough of the love-fest though; on with the story. She was basically asked to be the wedding coordinator/planner for a woman who works with her mother.  On top of her other two jobs (overacheiver) and additional activities such as sewing, cooking, photography, decorating, graphic design and taking care of two adorable dogs (one of which was formerly mine- another story for another time) she decided to plan and personally do everything from designing the invitations, making the coolest photo shadowboxes (complete with burning candles reflecting their images) and the flower arrangements... Oh yeah and she was doing all the wedding photography including their engagement photos.  See why her awesomeness can be nauseating sometimes.  At least she's really humble and appreciative of others so you don't want to punch her perfectness in the face. 

As I'm sure you are gathering, she asked me to be her sidekick photographer to make sure we were covered with all the shots.  She said she would take most of the formal photos and that I would be there to focus on the fun, candid, artsy and detail photos (my speciality, if I were to have one...I find beauty in the minutia if you couldn't tell from how much detail I put into my posts).  It sounded like a cool experience that I wasn't sure I would ever have again- not many people put such an important task in the hands of someone as inexperienced as the two of us- at very least me because Bestie (as she will henceforth be referred to) does have some experience.  Ha, Bestie said that when she told the bride that she was going to have an additional photographer coming to shoot the wedding that she conveniently didn't mention it was my first wedding.

I was super excited but as the wedding approached I became more and more nervous.  Luckily, I felt pretty confident in my abilities and Bestie fully backed me.  I did some research to make sure I was up on what was "now" in wedding photography.  It wasn't so long ago that I got married so everything I was drawn to when I planned my pics then is still pretty fresh.  I just wanted to do a great job.  I kept telling Husband to pray for me to have a creative eye and to get great shots.  While I played professional photographer the Hubby did manly-men things with the "guys."  They apparently "shot-the-breeze" and watched basketball while taking turns playing guitar hero.  Other than waiting up for me to get home way after his bedtime it was a pretty great night for him

I'm happy to report that I did a phenomenal job...umm I mean We did!  It was really fun! Totally exhausting but a great experience.  Everyone was super nice and the couple was thrilled. Before and during the ceremony there was a lot of Kenny G playing... I kept thinking, "is this another song or is it one long song or is the same song on repeat?"  Good ole Kenny G.  He's so soothing.  I had to focus so that I wouldn't be lulled to sleep and neglect my photog duties.  Oh and I did end up taking quite a few of the formal shots.  I did the groom and groomsmen and family.  That probably stressed me out the most.  That and when Bestie said, "WHATEVER you do you HAVE TO GET THE KISS.  YOU HAVE TO!  So make sure your telephoto lens is switched by the time the unity candle is lit.  I NEED YOU TO GET THAT KISS!'"  Whoa, Intense much!  I did get the kiss *she said with a smirk*.  I even think she got the kiss too but by gosh I was gonna get that kiss come hell or high water.  We got some great shots, though.  I was pleased.  Bestie was pleased so at least I didn't let her down.  She has all the photos so she can work on uploading and editing them but when I get some back I might put up a few.

I even got to 'shake my money-maker' on the dance floor toward the end of the night.  If it hadn't been a family friend of Bestie's we wouldn't have done it but they pulled us to the dance floor and who am I to deny the happy couple?!  So that was my completely random Friday night.  Tonight was much more low key.  We stayed home and my parents brought over some fantastic pizza from this little place by their house.  They stayed for a while.  We chatted, ate and played a little wii.  It was lovely!

We're going on vacation on Tuesday!!!  Yippeee!!!  We will be traveling and staying with our friends who have a family house in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  I can't wait.  Five days with Husband all to myself... no work, no ministry, no responsibilities, maybe a little baby making (or at least more practice)...  LOVE IT!  3 Days and counting!

Question: Do any of you have any Spring Break travel plans?  Are you getting out of town or staying home and hanging out?  Are you excited about Spring?  Why or why not?

Until Later...

March 12, 2008

Two Nuns Walk Out of A Ross...

No, that's not the first line of a naughty joke! Two actual nuns walked out of a Ross store this morning as I was walking in. Excuse my fascination with this sighting. I don't know about you, maybe you do see tiny nuns (at least mine today were tiny, and yes I did just call them "my" nuns) all the time but I don't. I was so surprised. They were so cute; random though. It's funny I just don't think of nuns going out for a quick shopping trip. I can picture them at a grocery store, a church or abby of course, maybe the habit shop but not a Ross. It really made me wonder what they bought.

Ok enough of your "knowing" expression. Yes, even after my confession last night I went shopping again today. BUT it was a totally different Ross store (which I realize doesn't really make any difference at all). I was on that side of town picking up some jeans I had hemmed (because I'm a shorty) and it just begged to be perused. I gave in and I actually had much better luck at this store. I found some really cute shirts and yes, if you are wondering if I bought husband anything, I did. So there you have it: honesty is the best policy.

On an unrelated note I ate a cheeseburger last night from Chili's (it was so tasty) and totally paid for it this morning. Like I said, I don't have many side effects from the Metformin but I do get nauseous sometimes. Usually once a day but it doesn't last long. Anyway, I was pretty nauseous this morning- more so than usual. Boo! ☹ But I rebounded and am feeling much better now.

So my Question is: What's the most unusual thing you have seen or experienced this week?
Bonus Questions: What makes you feel gross on Metformin? Any remedies worth passing along? Any other tough side effects you are dealing with? I'm hear to listen if you need someone to grumble to!

See You Later Alligator! (My Mom would say that to me all the time when I was little. Guess I'm feeling nostalgic)

March 11, 2008

I Wanna Rock and Roll ALL NIGHT and Party Everyday

A few confessions... ready?

1) I hate cleaning. Which means that I sometimes wait entirely too long to scrub the toilet or sweep the layer of dust that begins to look like a natural part of the furniture off said furniture. I'm VERY good at keeping things looking like they are clean, though. I know- I'm so sneaky. It's faux cleaning and I think it's kind of brilliant. My sweet mother is the Organizing Queen. Her skills have been passed down to me but where it compels her it just nags at me until I give in. So that's why I keep things tidy... my guilty conscious! Don't think my house is gross or that I'm living like one of those people on the Oprah show (you know the pack rat people who can't see each other for all the crap crushing in around them). That's not me. I just genuinely dislike cleaning. Oh, but the problem (as though the lack of cleaning isn't problem enough) is how Fantastic I feel after I've cleaned. Know what I mean? It's like a rush of relief that the chore is done and I don't have to do it again for a while combined with the natural good feelings of having things tidy... I do need things tidy. Oh I guess I should mention that I did clean the bathrooms this morning- thus the rant. It just got to me today and I was suddenly in a cleaning frenzy. Now if I could just tackle my closet…

2) I caught a bit of Rachel Ray today and I saw Gene Simmons from KISS on there. They were playing that song…you know that song that’s on Guitar Hero. Anyway it was stuck in my head all day, even though I’m blanking on what it was and the title now (which is very unlike me). And even though I don’t like KISS I think it gave me some extra swagger today. Oh I just thought of it. The part that is stuck in my head is the first part You keep on shouting, you keep on shouting...I want to rock and roll all night and party everyday!❞ I thought it was an interesting Tuesday song to have in banging in my brain this morning. ☺

3) I went shopping today. No real reason. Just wanted to. So the confession is…I went for me and bought my completely adorable husband two shirts to justify my shopping and buying two shirts and pair of flip-flops. Like somehow it balanced out the shopping karma/mojo. But it wasn’t totally selfish of me. Husband actually Loves for me to buy him clothes and I was a ROSS (my favorite bargain store) and I found this one type of shirt (the dry-weave Nike golf shirts) that are his favorite for playing golf. So you see it was a win for both of us. He got a couple great shirts, I got a couple of great shirts, they were all a great price and my shopping karma/mojo, if you will, remains…well…great and if not great then at least intact until another shopping day! Gosh my need to justify is just leaping off the screen.

4) I’m worried about not being able to get pregnant but sometimes what scares me more is what if I do. I mean, please don’t get me wrong, we have given this decision much thought and prayer and we are both excited about the prospect of starting a family. I think we are ready, or as much as we can be given the fact we have no idea what we’re getting ourselves into until we really get into it. I’m confident that we will be good, loving parents who will adore our little one. But what gets me sometimes is just my fear of the unknown. That’s always been an issue for me. It hasn’t stopped me from living my life or having faith but I always want a peek into what the future or a situation is going to be like. And as you know that just isn’t possible. I think that is one of the reasons I like to read so much. I’m just trying to accumulate and assimilate useful information. So yes, the unknown(s) of parenthood is daunting to me. What will it really be like? How will things change- not necessarily for the worse- I expect most of the changes to be for the better. I anticipate that they will challenge and enhance life. But they are still unknown changes non-the-less and sometimes it freaks me out.

Ok so that’s all the confessions you get for tonight friends! Maybe we’ll chat some more sometime about confession #4.

Hope you are all doing well doing whatever it is you are doing.

Until Later!

March 10, 2008

Apparently I'm Glowing... but I'm sure it's just sweat.

So here's the deal on the pregnancy front. Well, I suppose there is no pregnancy front right now; just the hope of it. My most wonderful doctor, Dr. W, suspects PCOS as a the reason for my wildly irregular, how shall we say... surfing the crimson wave (do you recognize that movie reference? Give up? It's from Clueless).

I had all the tests and that includes the painful ones. I'll spare you the details but I was sufficiently poked and prodded. The best I can tell right now is that I don't have a "classic" case of PCOS but there's something going on like that. So yeah, that's comforting. We don't know what it really is but it seems something like this other thing that is apparently one of the most ambiguous of fertility issues. It can really look different for everyone. Like I said, not a classic case. I fortunately don't have to deal with some of the more severe/serious symptoms of it. I basically just don't ovulate very often. I know that is a lot of information but there you have it. Glad that's out of the way. The prescription we are trying right now is the lowest dose of Metformin for one month. I go back to the Dr. W on April 1st to evaluate things. We'll see what going on then. It's still a few weeks away. So far I haven't had any severe side effects from the medicine. Just a decreased appetite from it regulating my insulin and some nausea every now and then. But I'm thinking that it is probably because I'm on such a low dose. I'm wondering how it will be if I start taking more but only time will tell.

On another note we had our weekly program for the middle school kids. It was a really low key night. We did something different and just had some pizzas, hung out, played outside and talked about going to camp this summer (so much fun!!!). Anyway, I was hanging out with one of my leaders. She's just fantastic! We were walking in from being outside and she said, "You look really tan." Which could not be further from the truth. My family jokes that I'm so pale that I'm translucent. So I was pleased to know that I didn't look like Casper the Friendly Ghost. The she said, "I don't know, maybe it's not tan but you look like you're glowing or something." I thought that would be really sweet if I was pregnant but since I'm not it's more likely that my glow is really sweat. But I'll take it... she was saying I looked good which, of course is better than looking like crap- which was kind of what I was feeling like (more emotionally than physically).

What that makes me look forward to is when people might say that because there's a bun warming in the oven and I'm glowing for real.

Hope you lovely people have a wonderful night!

Melodic Pictures

I'm always amazed when I hear a song that so captures a moment in my life that when I hear the song later it's as vivid as having just breathed in the initial moment itself. So clear that I can see it; almost physically feel it. Recalling the memory of once was as though, even if ever so briefly, it was once again. Music does that to me...

Melodic pictures of my life. That is what MUSIC is to me. Music takes my mind (and heart) to the place in my brain that stores up all the things I hope to always remember and sometimes those I would rather forget. It pulls them to the surface like a lifeguard rescues one from the depths of the sea. Rising from the dark...out of the water- breaking through the layers of all the all the stored information to reach the surface and breathe out and into me the

Music is fluid and alive and all around. Different from the processed snapshot taken for the scrapbook only to be put on the shelf; often long forgotten. It transcends a classic picture that someone takes to remember a time in life that is passing, trying to hold on to it for a bit remember the color of a sweater or a sunset, the jagged outline of a jaw or a mountainside...the way you felt with your first love or on your first big trip away from home or when you first realized that there is more to this life and...just wanting to hold on. So that we don't forget that we were here and there and that we experienced life...We DID...and we have proof...see it there in the was a moment and it was captured. You see, Music acknowledges the moment in private kind of way. Much like a secret or an inside joke- you and the music understand the meaning, the undercurrent, even if no one else knows or cares.

But with music you don't need a book of pictures to unlock the memory- just the melody inside your head. Music often has a way of unlocking the door, or the floodgate to more memories. That is one reason why music is so powerful. It can move people when they don't want to be moved. And sometimes, if your lucky, it moves you before you even realize you are being swept away. And though, music may not physically testify that you had a moment or were here or there, with him or her; it can not only recall a memory but be a memory or experience in itself.

Music is fluid. It ebbs and flows and is all around is life and the moments that make it so memorable.

Do your memories have a melody? I wonder...what will my next memory will sound like?

All Night Long (as in the Lionel Richie Song)

Why am I up at well after two in the morning? Hmmm... that, my friends is a good question. It's mostly because I was a slug today. Totally indulgent. I hardly got out of bed. It was glorious and I'm not at all ashamed to share that with you. Another reason is probably that I drank some se-ri-ous-ly strong tea tonight with dinner. Oops! Oh yea, I didn't make it by the way. I really should know better but it just looked so darn appealing. Anyway, I'm up now, so what better to do than share some more information about myself with you. You know we are in that "get to know you" phase of our relationship. We all put our best foot forward and try to seem intriguing while trying to impress each other in hopes that a fantastic friendship will spring forth. So I thought I'd wow you (at very best) and bore you into peaceful slumber (at least) with some (un)important stats on some of my favorite music.

As you may have read, I love music...almost too much! I love it all...ok that was a lie. Truthfully I can tolerate the majority, I enjoy most, appreciate many, adore several and am hopelessly devoted to a few (none of which are Olivia Newton John though the reference is obvious).

Honestly, I can't go to sleep at night with out Jars of Clay playing in the background (the first CD). Don't suggest whale lullaby's, sounds of the rainforest or monk chants (although that CD does have some of that on there..hmmm). No, it's been way too long. I'm set in my ways. I've resigned myself to being co-dependent with a CD.

Pop/Rock/R&B category contains many- too many to list in entirety but here are a few: Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, The Fray, Paramore, One Republic, Mute Mouth, The Killers, Incubus, U2 (seriously how could they not be mentioned), Christina Aguilara (think what you like but there is no denying the girl has got some killer pipes), Michelle Branch and/or the Wreckers, Pink, Switchfoot, Jason Mraz, John Mayer, Gavin DeGraw, Cold Play, Gwen Stefani, Sarah Bareilles, Alicia Keys, Rhianna... and the list could go on...and on...

Christian: David Crowder Band, Nichole Nordeman, Barlow Girl, Casting Crowns, Plumb, Shawn McDonald, Joy Williams, Jill Phillips, Benjamin Gate, Watermark, Shane &; Shane, DC Talk (classic), Kristy Starling, Hillsong, Charlie Hall, just to name a few.

Of course I love some good country: SheDaisy, Dixie Chicks, Martina McBride, Shania Twain and Faith Hill, Little Big Town, Rascal Flatts, Tim McGraw, George Strait (ever timeless) and Garth Brooks.

Bands you may have never heard of but should know because they are awesome: Grandpa Griffith, Hollow, Red Monroe, Matt Wertz, Ryan Long.

Old School: Extreme (More Than Words), Tears for Fears (Everybody Wants to Rule The World), Boys II Men (Motown Philly), Journey (anything by Journey).

Ok, I must confess...I have a problem. I have a bit of a weakness (some could say passion) for 80's music. Not so much the Glam Rock or Monster Ballads (ok maybe a few Monster Ballads) but the ever enduring music like Madonna, WHAM/George Michael, Culture Club/Boy George, Debbie Gibson, Whitney Houston, The Go-Go's, The Bangles, Michael Jackson (the Thriller days), Christopher Cross (SAILING), Chicago, Phil Collins, Hall & Oats... I TOLD You- I have a problem. But I know that deep down most of you enjoy these 80's hits as well. I am just being honest about it. So, I will hold my head high!

Ok this list is getting ridiculously long. I haven't even touched on Rap, Musicals, Latin etc... Alas, I will conclude with this... There is no band, nor front man, other than Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty that ever has or ever will have my unwavering devotion. He holds a special place in my musical heart!

And I will not divulge why at this time... I need to retain some mystery, our friendship is still blossoming!

Later Friends!

Feet First!

Ok, so I want to just say to anyone who may come across this that I'm new to the whole blogging thing. I know, it sound cliche, in the way that people always say I've never written/said/done anything like this before, but it's the truth. So I'm just going to jump on in with both feet. Which, as you get to know me, you will find is a good thing for me because at least when it comes to literal water I am much more of a stick a toe in first and see if it's not too cold to stick a foot in and then a leg and so on and so forth. So here we go...

One of the things you won't find here (which means you probably will now because I just jinxed myself-never say never, or imply it) is a lot of acronyms. Yes, I'm trying to conceive (ttc) but no I don't have the memory or the desire to carry a reference dictionary of pregnancy initials. So I'm sorry but you are just going to have to read the entire word... with all of it's letters. I know it's incredibly tasking but hang in there with me. It works for some people and more power to them but it doesn't at least for me. Ok, so there will be none of that and if there is it will be kept to a minimum.

Next thing is that I'm writing for you and for me because I want to share the journey. We will go through some ups and some downs. In fact, the road might get quite bumpy along the way but we'll ride it out together... and if your not riding it out with me then feel assured that I will be riding it out none-the-less. With that in mind though I feel compelled to say that what I don't need is for anyone to gripe me out whenever you don't agree with something in here. Different Strokes for Different Folks. I promise not to do anything that will intentionally harm myself or others and you promise to keep your yapper shut if you don't like what I'm saying. That is not to say, though, that I don't want to hear your comments and unique perspective- that I love. So don't hold back, but I ask you kindly "please don't be rude." I'm sure that's totally unnecessary because you would never do anything like that but still it doesn't hurt to ask.

So in this space, my new bloggy home (which was probably pretty un-blogger like of me to write), we'll chat about life, music (of course), our attempt to bring a new life into this world (despite what Dr. W thinks is a mild case of PCOS) and whatever else comes our direction...

Nice to meet you, by the way. You are always welcome... except if you want to be nasty or use acronyms I can't remember (but on that one, if it's important to you I'll try). Catch you later!